As every Indian knows that India today doesn't only have the largest population well lets say it also has the largest crime rate..every day we hear and read cases of rapes, murders, robberies, etc on the T.V or in newspapers.But what we do about it?? NOTHING..We only read the news for the day sympathize with the victim and the next day as the newspaper is kept as waste the news also is treated as waste..All of us know that criminals are like termites they destroy the country right from the roots..and yet in a country like India we
use the minor form of punishment..the punishment based on reformative theory..
Now one will ask what is this Reformative theory that i am talking about and why is that i am making such fuss about it??
Well it's simple the reformative theory is based in the thinking that the adamant and brutal criminal can be reformed and rehabilitation. It's belief is that no human being is born a criminal but the society the economic the environmental factors make him a criminal.according to this theory man is born in society and so he is affected by the society..According to this theory the government should come up with some policies to rehabilitate the criminal and the people of the country should help them in doing so..This theory is also based on Gandhi's saying "Hate sin, not the sinner". According to this theory the criminals should be put behind bars and kept trapped in four walls.the police officials should deal with them on humanitarian grounds and so should the society once their term is over..
Now if one evaluates this theory in general without being a lawyer or criminologist they will still find many flaws..I am a student of law and i can surely say that this form of punishment that our Indian Judicial System is using sucks..First of all today the population of our country is increasing by leaps and one has time for themselves forget having time rehabiltating criminals..Also today the Great Government in India is not interested in using funds to help change crime and criminals in India they are more interested in robbing those funds bloody rogues..
In my view the most suitable form of punishment that a country like India can follow is the detterant form of punishment..According to this theory a criminal should be given sever punishment..It should cause so mush fear in the mind of a prudent man that he never thinks of committing a crime ever again.
This theory mainly favor punishments like life imprisonment, capital punishment. forfeiting the land of the accused person etc.According to this theory the punishment to the criminal should be given in the open at noon not behind closed walls at dawn..
The main highlights of this theory to say is that the personal revenge if the victim is mat..the victim feels that justice has been done to him/her by the judiciary..Which is not the case in the reformative theory..
Concluding my write-up i would wanna mention this:-
If a country like India has to reduce its crime rate then it has to change its theory of punishment..
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